Got it? So I will just try my very best to write. Ok? So, what I'm gonna write is about orang2 yg tidak senasib baik seperti org lain. All of you must have been experienced this where you would see people ask for donation, sell things or food especially kerepek yg makcik pakcik selalu jual when we're eating at somewhere. Have you ever noticed that? Sure you have. If you have not, do let me know the name of planet that you're living on.
What do u guys feel every time you see them? Or every time they come to u and try their best to make you buy it so that they would get some money? Sympathy. I feel very sympathy towards them. How hard it is for them to find money for their own living. To be perfectly honest, each time I see them, I would feel bad about myself. Because sometimes, I'm not grateful enough with what I have. Seeing them, it opens up my eyes that I'm lucky enough. Maybe not the luckiest but still I'm lucky.
My reaction? Every time I see them, I would be silence for a while. Seriously. I sometimes imagine myself being them. What would I feel? I don't know. You see, there's a lot of people that are even poorer than us. And certain of them, they don't even have a place to sleep. And some are alone, have no one to accompany them through their lives. I wish I could help all of them. But seriously I am such a childish girl that can't do anything much on my own. The common thing we all do is sedekah. So, that's all I can do. Unless if I were a corporate something that can do lots of things to help them. Maybe one day. InsyaAllah.
So, never complain. Because you just don't know how lucky you are in this life where others are suffering and struggling to survive for living. Isn't it embarrassing if they are fine with their lives but we, who have everything are complaining? Yes it is. I'm talking about myself too. Because I'm a human, just like all of u, who sometimes can't run away from complaining.
You know the thing that will make me feel relief to see them, other than sedekah? I smile to them. I always do that. It relieves me. I mean, I can't do much to help them. But I feel happy when I smile to them, and they do the same back to me. Smile, can changes a lot of thing y'know. Not just in this. It applies for many other things. Ok, sorry if my writing are confusing. Told ya I don't really know how to express what I feel. And of course, what I wrote above are not exactly what I feel. Exactly in terms of specific. I don't know how to put my feelings into words. It's just hard for me to do it. Hope you get it :)
We're all lucky =))