I'm having fiver when I woke up this morning. But a girl named Nurul Aqilah always gets sick easily in the end of november. So she is used to it ~_~ BUT Maybe I was busy for 3 days in a row. Without having good rests.
So back to the title. First of all, may I remind u that this post has nothing to do with any specific person. This is general. :) I've been thinking how funny that there's still dramas happening around me. Some may relate to me, some may not. I'm 19 and I admit that I'm a very childish girl. Childish as in my behaviour. But the way I think, I'm trying to be mature. Not matured enough, but still matured. For god sake, I'm gonna be 20 next year. So, the dramas that relate to me must be stopped.
And so, I just wanna apologize to anyone that I've ever hurt, with or without purpose. Really from the bottom of my heart, I'm letting my ego down to say sorry to anyone I've ever hurt. To those that think I hurt them but I have no intention of doing that, or maybe u guys are over thinking much, perasan lebih, so nvm then. I'm sorry okay. I don't wanna waste my time making more more more and more dramas. I've had a lot of dramas in my past. Not gonna make more for future. I hope u guys get what I mean :)
I'm trying not to hate anyone, by ignoring things. And I also made my myself a quote. Take things as coincidence, so just forget those things. Yup, I made this quote for myself. By thinking that way, you won't take matters seriously. For bullshit matters, I meant. If serious matters, then u should take it seriously.
I have also tried to stop making hatred posts, instead I'm trying to make general posts and also happy moments posts for my blog. I just don't wanna add more of my enemies. Enemy? I'm sure they exist. I might probably don't even know them (?) Yes. So, I'm really sorry to anyone that I've ever hurt in any ways. Plus, who wants to have enemies? Idk if that kind of people really exist. But I know, I myself don't want it. I wanna make friends, not enemies.
To those who hate me because of jealousy, stop it. We all have our own happiness in life. Be happy with your life instead of being jealous with my life. Maybe I don't have what u have? Right? So, don't think too much. Be happy :) So, please stop all the dramas. You can just go and hop on other's life, not mine. Thank u.
I'm just trying to improve myself. And I'm gonna be 20. I should have started thinking in matured way. Not childish way. It's a must !. So people, stop hating on each others, jealous with each others, and etc. Be nice to everyone, then they all will be nice to you. If u be good to people, without having hatred feelings, trust me, your heart will feel good. Enough of bullshitting around people's life. Mind your own business. Ok?
I don't know how to express more. Just wanna apologize to each and everyone of u for what I have ever done in your life. So come on, help me to not hate anyone anymore, and be happy =))
Everyone's pretty and handsome and cute. Think that way ! :)